Our MIDI controllers help musicians in 40 countries and on 5 continents to comfortable use of the music gear.
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MIDI Modules
MIDI Control for EHX x9
Manual for MIDI Control for EHX x9
MIDI Control for EHX POG2
MIDI Control for EHX Cathedral
MIDI Control for EHX Ravish Sitar
MIDI Control for EHX Ring Thing
MIDI control for EHX Talking Machine
MIDI control for EHX Voice Box
MIDI Control for TC Electronic Nova Delay
Universal MIDI modules for guitar pedals
MIDI Controllers
Universal MIDI Grande
Manual for MIDI Grande
MIDI Grande electronic kits
Luxury MIDI Forte
Manual for MIDI Forte
MIDI Piccolo 2F1D
Manual for MIDI Piccolo 2F1D
MIDI Piccolo 4F
MIDI Piccolo 4S1D
Manual for MIDI Piccolo 4S1D
MIDI footswitch controller for EHX V256 vocoder
MIDI Switchers
MIDI Agente Relay Loop
Manual for MIDI Agente Relay Loop
MIDI Agente Relay Plus
Manual for MIDI Agente Relay Plus
MIDI Agente Relay Uno
Manual for MIDI Agente Relay Uno
MIDI Interfaces
MIDI Merger
MIDI Splitter
MIDI expression pedals
Expression pedal with MIDI toe switch for Line6 M13
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