MIDI Agente Relay Plus 6R Module Module of programmable MIDI switcher with 6 relays

MIDI Agente Relay Plus 6R Module
Price: 142.00 USD

Supposed availability: 15 days

Weight: 0,050 kg

Order code: MARP-6R-MOD

This module is suitalbe for building a DIY looper or an audio switcher. The control principle is the same as of the complete product, MIDI Agente Relay Plus, see manual.

You can connect your relays with the module by a ribbon cable (included), the pinout is in the red box:

Microdesignum MIDI relay module pinout

The output switchers are Darlington transistors with maximal current 0.5 A per channel. The relay shall be connected between +5V and the switcher output:

Microdesignum MIDI relay module connection

More relays can be connected to each output in parallel, especially if you would like to build a loop switcher, you will need two relays per channel.


Property Value
Number of loops: 0
Number of relays: 0
Number of outputs for relays: 6
Number of displays: 1
Number of MIDI inputs: 1
Number of MIDI outputs: 1
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MIDI Switchers - modules

Electronic kits for DIY build in a guitar gear.
